The 22nd of September – the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan

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According to the Decree of the President of the Republic dated January 20, 1998 there was established a holiday in the country – the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated annually in September, 22. 

This is a general holiday for all Kazakhstan people, which is based on the following idea: every language is a part of cultural heritage of all mankind, and every culture – it is an invaluable contribution to world civilization.

Within the celebration of the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan from September 13 to 22, the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages, Foreign Languages Department organized a ten – day festival on the theme «Eternal language is a language of eternal land».

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Within a ten – day festival there were held the following activities: an exhibition of wall newspapers, a composition contest on the theme «My native language is my inspiration», a recitation contest on the theme «Three languages are three platforms» as well as the «round» table «Official language is my language», more than 50 students of the Academy and the Faculty of training specialists with technical professional education took an active part in these activities. 

The results of a ten – day festival of languages «Eternal language is a language of eternal land»: a recitation contest – Kayrat Iyemberdiyev, a student of the group 101 of the specialty «Medical and preventive care»; Sara Tolep, a student of the group 101-9 of the specialty «Nursing»; Ayazhan Vakhab, a student of the group 101-9 of the specialty «General medicine»; Orynbassar Zhaksybekuly, a student of the group 101-9 of the specialty « General medicine »; Yerasyl Tuzelbay, a student of the group 101-9 of the specialty «Stomatologist–dentist»; Zhanna Amze, a student of the group 102-9 of the specialty «General medicine». 

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The winners of a composition contest on the theme «My native language is my inspiration»: Shynar Batyrova, a student of the group 110 of the specialty  « General medicine »; Orynbassar Nuraly, a student of the group 102-9 of the specialty «Nursing»; Aidana Dildakhan, a student of the group 201 of the specialty «General medicine»; Kuanyshbay Kalauly, a student of the group 101-9 of the specialty «General medicine». 

Among more than 30 thematic wall newspapers, the most significant award was given to the students of the following groups for their creative approach, colorful design, creativity and relevance to the theme of the event: the group 204 «Pharmacy», the group 109 «General medicine », the group 103 «Technology of pharmaceutical production», the group 201-9 «Nursing».

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At the «round» table «Official language is my language» there were discussed language policy problems and a current state of languages. Malvina Mamedovna Pazayeva, a representative of Turkish ethno-cultural center, ethno-cultural student association «Bіrlesu» and students took part in this «round» table.

At the end of a ten – day festival of languages «Eternal language is a language of eternal land» organized by the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages and Foreign Languages Department there was shown a large gala concert and awards ceremony.

A ten–day festival was another confirmation of the fact that every nation is a unique culture, history, traditions, and, of course, a language – a conductor of this unique culture. And to save it, to keep it and to give it to future generation is today’s problem, the solution of which cannot be left for the end.

25.09.2016, 23:01