The 1st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Topical issues and trends in the development of the modern pharmaceutical industry"

A group of SKMA faculty members took an active part in the 1st Republican Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Topical issues and trends in the development of the modern pharmaceutical industry" in Tashkent on April 25 -26, 2023. pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research.
The participants of the conference were well-known experts in the field of pharmacy and chemistry of plant substances from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea and other countries, as well as representatives of the pharmaceutical industry and business of Uzbekistan.
At the opening ceremony of the conference, the rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research, Professor A.F. Dusmatov, addressed the participants with words of greeting, who stressed the importance of discussing topical issues of the modern pharmaceutical industry, and also noted the importance of international cooperation between universities in the field of education and science.
The plenary session heard reports of the Institute of Plant Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan on new technologies in the field of creating substances of phytopreparations based on plants of the flora of Uzbekistan, on the center for collective use of SPCFU (St. Petersburg, Russia), achievements of Korean scientists in the field of creating devices from nanofibers to determine biomarkers (National University, Republic of Korea), recommendations ICH to the development, research and registration of medicines in Ukraine, on the Pharmacopoeia of the EAEU as a fundamental document on the quality of medicines on the common market, etc.
The main part of the scientific and practical conference was held in 6 breakout sessions, where speeches were heard in the field of topical issues of pharmacy: synthesis and standardization of new drugs, industrial pharmacy, pharmacognosy and phytochemistry, organization of pharmaceutical business, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology, problems of modern pharmaceutical education. The reports of foreign colleagues and young scientists-researchers attracted special attention of the participants.
Scientists from the SKMA also actively spoke at the breakout sessions of the conference. Reports on their research were made by the head of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, Associate Professor Toxanbayeva Zh.S., Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Production Technology Kudaibergenova Z.U., 2nd year graduate student of MP "Pharmacy" Kasymbekova D.A., 3rd year student of the specialty TFP Gulamova D.
In his welcoming speech on behalf of the SKMA team, Deputydean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Associate Professor Sapakbai M.M. expressed his gratitude to the management and staff of the university for the high level of organization of the conference and a warm welcome.
In addition, during this event, a Memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Pharmaceutical Institute of Education and Research and JSC SKMA.
The conference became an active platform for famous and young scientists, government agencies and pharmaceutical business of South Korea, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan, where topical issues of a scientific and educational nature, peculiarities of different countries in the field of circulation of medicines and pharmacy in general were discussed.

05.05.2023, 13:33