"Taxonomy of postcovid syndrome"

12.04.2022 in the city polyclinic №5, the Department of GP 2 of the SKMA together with the "Medical Center for Joint Diseases" held a master class dedicated to the Day of Science on the topic "Taxonomy of postcovid syndrome" - Lecturer rheumatologist Baymukhamedov Chokan Tleukulovich. The master class was attended by the teaching staff of the department, interns of the GP, internists of the polyclinic.

The main clinical manifestations of articular syndrome and its features in covid, its diagnosis and treatment were touched upon. The interns of the GP asked questions about the problem they were interested in. The knowledge gained in the master class significantly replenished the knowledge of interns and they will be useful to them in the further practical activities of the GP.

13.04.2022, 12:53