On 16.05.2023 a seminar "Tarikhtan taғylym!" was held for the students of the Medical College of the JSC "SKMA" as a part of the social project. D. in History, Associate Professor Aytay Bahadur, moderator Temirkhan Asylkhan, staff and students of the Youth Policy Department took part in the meeting. 
The aim of the meeting is to teach young people about patriotism, nationality, love of their homeland, and respect for the history of their country.

During the meeting, Associate Professor Aytay Bahadur, PhD in History, held a discussion with students to foster knowledge, respect for their mother tongue, enhance cognitive interest in history and prominent figures, to introduce patriotism, and to promote all-round development of personal level. The students asked topical questions of the youth and received satisfactory answers.

17.05.2023, 10:27