Suicide prevention among young people and adolescents

On April 17, 2024, under the guidance of an assistant at the Department of Family Medicine, A.D. Tazhieva, together with interns of the ІЖТДҚ-13-22 group, a seminar on "Suicide prevention among youth and adolescents" was held at the gymnasium
№ 75 in Shymkent.
Purpose: to explain the essence of the concept of suicide, to make students understand that human life is expensive, not to succumb to bad thoughts, external influences. To develop students' consciousness, observe personal hygiene, teach them to maintain health, educate and prevent the avoidance of bad habits. At the beginning of the event, the first stage of the speech was handed over to the assistant of the Department of Family Medicine, Tazhieva A.D.
The presentation on the topic "Suicide and ways of its prevention" was defended by interns of the ІЖТДҚ-13-22 group Isakbai A. X and Parsakhanova A. E. with explanatory work.
At the end of the event, feedback was provided to the students, the students asked their questions. The school administration expressed great gratitude to the interns

23.04.2024, 18:15