Studying a new approaches to the problems of children's rehabilitation
During the period from 5 to 9 December, 2016 PhD, professor from Russia Valida Adimovna Isanova read lectures and conducted workshops on the course on " Medical - social rehabilitation of disability children" in Shymkent at the Regional Children's Hospital by the invitation of the Public Charity Fund "Kasietti Zhol" and heads of administrations of the Ministry of education and science and MHSD of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bachelor’s degree, interns, residents, master students and assistants of "Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery" department took part in this seminar.
The main direction of this workshop was to familiarize with the latest technologies for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, care and assistance to children - invalids with disorder of vital functions, such as movement, speech, chewing, swallowing, pelvic disorders.