On 16th March, 2017 at South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy there was held a grand ceremony of awarding souvenirs and cash prizes to the participants and winners of the contest organized within the educational project “Santo Academic Program” of JSC “Khimpharm”. The event was sponsored by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of South- Kazakhstan region.

The organizer of this contest offered the participants a special task to develop or revise new and existing forms of Mukaltin. Makhinur Mirsoatova, the 5th year student of the Department “Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry” won the 1st place and was awarded a grant of 500,000 tenge for the best theoretical underpinning of Mukaltin syrup composition. 

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Murat Ashirov, the Master of the Department “Technology of drugs” won the 2nd place for the development “Formulation of lyophilic extract of althea root” and was awarded a grant of 250 000 tenge, Olga Kim, an assistant of the Department “Clinical Pharmacology” and Dana Kurbanali, the 2nd year student, won the 3rd place and were awarded a grant of 100 000 tenge for the pharmacological analysis of a new combination of Mukaltin ingredients. 

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Since 2013 the company “Santo”, SKSPhA and the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of  South –Kazakhstan region closely cooperate not only in the sphere of pharmaceutical industry development, but also in support of young scientists and university students in order to realize their scientific and research papers in the field of pharmaceutics. The project also involves schoolchildren, students, teaching staff and scientists getting acquainted with the company’s production facilities and research laboratories in Poland and Kazakhstan, awarding grants to the most promisings schoolchildren, students and young scientists for conducting or finalizing scientific research in the field of pharmaceutics, internships at the premises of  the company and carrying out joint activities aimed at improving the level and quality of education. 

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The following people speaking at the ceremony, emphasized this fact one more time: Bekaidar Nurmashev, Pro-rector for Scientific and Clinical Work of South - Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy; Danail Dontchev, Director for Research and Development of the company “Santo”; Berik Kenzhebayev, the Head of the department for the development of human capital and social partnership of the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken” in South -Kazakhstan region; Maksat Yelibayev, Director of the branch of RSE “National Institute of Intellectual Property” of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Khadisha Alzhanova, Director of the association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations “Damu” in SKR; Alma Akhmetova, Pro-rector for strategic development and international cooperation of SKSPhA and others.  

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The educational project was set up to improve the quality of personnel training in pharmaceutical industry to the level of international standards.

The project is carried out within the instruction of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to attract international companies and investors in order to meet the needs of Kazakhstani industry in professional personnel with international level competencies for further development of innovations.

During this period, the partners of educational project “Santo Academic Program” of JSC “Khimpharm” were: JSC “Medical University Astana”, Center of Life Sciences of Nazarbayev University, South- Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy and Nazarabayev Intellectual Chemical and Biological School in Shymkent, NCE “Atameken” of SKR, National Center of Expertise and Registration of Medicines.



editor of the scientific journal of South- Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy.

18.03.2017, 05:51