Students of SKSPhA always take the lead!

On 14-15 April, 2016 5-year students of pharmaceutical faculty, major «Pharmacy»: Z.Turymbet, A.Karimova, A.Daulet, Y.Porokhniya, M. Duiseniva    took part in the Republican student subject Olympiad on the base of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov in Almaty.

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Olympiad program has been presented by two rounds:

The first theoretical round- testing

The second round - the decision of situational tasks on 4 disciplines of major «Pharmacy».

1. «Organization and economics of pharmacy»
«Drugs technology»
«Pharmaceutical chemistry»

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In the competition teams of KazNMU named after. S.D.Asfendiyarov in Almaty, KSMU in Karagandy, SSMU named after K. Shakarim in Semipalatinsk have participated as well.

The team of SKSPhA according to the results of two rounds took 2nd place among the representatives of universities of Almaty, Karaganda and Semipalatinsk.

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Team leader: deputy dean of the faculty of pharmacy, acting Professor Kulpan Kenzhebayevna Orynbassarova.

According to the results of the individual test and solutions of situational tasks, 5- year students Zaure Turymbet took 2nd  place and Mayrash Duisenova took the – 3rd place.

 Congratulations to the students-winners!

27.04.2016, 23:29