Students of SKMA in Karaganda!

From October 29 to November 15, 2021, the department of «Hygiene and Epidemiology» within the framework of internal academic mobility, organized a visit for students 02-18 PH of the group of the School of «Public Health and Biomedicine» of the NJSC of the Karaganda Medical University, where they were trained in the discipline «State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance». Classes in this discipline were taught by candidate of medical sciences, professor of the school of public health and biomedicine Talieva Gulbanat Nurgalievna. Students noted the high level of teaching, special interest was aroused by the professor's classes, the opportunity to expand professional knowledge and practical skills. The students of our academy did not limit themselves to their studies and took part in the «Team building» training seminar. At the end of the academic mobility, the students of group 02-18 passed the written exam for «Good» and not only grew professionally, but were also emotionally inspired.
Of course, new people, new knowledge, these are definitely emotions! We sincerely believe that this noble event, started from the department of «Hygiene and epidemiology», will be continued by other departments of our academy!

26.11.2021, 23:23