Students from Tyumen are having practice at the base of the South Kazakhstan State pharmaceutical academy (SKSPhA)

According to the agreement on cooperation between SKSPhA and State budgetary educational institution (SBEI)    of higher professional education (HPE) TyuMSMU    Ministry of Health of Russia from 13.03.12 and up the international mobility of students 2014-2015 academic year from May 18th  to June 1st , on the basis of SKSPhA was carried out training practice on botany, which was attended  five students of 1st year SBEI HPE TyuMSMU and the training practice on pharmacognosy, which was attended by five students of the 3rd year SBEI HPE TyuMSMU Ministry of Health of Russia.

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In the stage of preparation for the training practices on botany and pharmacognosy, members of the working group have been developed and approved by the joint working program of practices and schedules of events in the course of practice on botany and pharmacognosy, and solved organizational and legal issues.

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In compiling the schedule of activities were provided guided tours in the Dendrological Park, Kaskasu, Aksu-Zhabagly, which allowed students to get acquainted with the flora of Southern Kazakhstan in natural growing conditions and the possibility of cultivation of medicinal plants.

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During the practice students under the guidance of curator practice their skills as part of the identification of plants phytocenosis, organizations harvesting medicinal plants from wild and cultivated plants. In accordance with the requirements of normative and technical documentation the students have acquired skills in the storage and processing of medicinal plants, packaging, labeling, transportation of medicinal plants.

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They have got acquainted with the nomenclature of medicinal plants, growing in the collectible area. Consolidate knowledge of harvesting of medicinal plants in nature with regard to their rational use and reproduction. They practiced the techniques of collecting medicinal plants of different morphological groups.

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At visiting the company LLP «Zerde-Phyto», LLP «Eva-Phyto» trainees acquainted with the main processes and technological equipment of these enterprises. Students are acquainted with the endemic species of plants growing in the South Kazakhstan.

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During the stay the group in Shymkent by students were offered a rich cultural and educational program, which allowed to get acquainted with historical, national and cultural values of the people of South Kazakhstan.

24.06.2015, 22:29