Students dedication!

On September 28-29, the Academy hosted the annual event “Dedication to the students” for the 1st year students. Concert has started with flash-mob, prepared by active students of student’s club «Keep the rhythm». The event was opened by M.U. Anartayeva, vice-rector for educational and methodical work, then the deans of faculties spoke their warm words of welcome. Noting the progress of SKSPhA and the achievements of graduates, during the official part of this event M.U. Anartayeva presented them symbolic gifts. Deans of faculties awarded students having merit in the field of art and sport with season tickets to the swimming pool at the Kazhymukhan stadium and student’s dean Bigali Abdikul with voucher to health resort “Densaulyk” sponsored by chairman of the student trade union committee B. Baimbetova.

The concert program was presented by Kazakh, Georgian and Indian dances, performed by dance group “Kazyna”; then academy’s talented students sang Kazakh and Spanish songs. The event was ended with a solemn hymn of students-activists. 

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Youth policy department


02.10.2017, 04:23