Student scientific society “Infectiologist “ was nominated for an award “The best presentation”

On 12th April,  2017 within the walls of SKSPhA, there was a fair of student scientific societies dedicated to the Day of Kazakhstan science. Student scientific society “Infectiologist “  took an active participation,  its research work is conducted under the supervision of G.N. Abuova, Candidate of Medical Science the Head of the Department “Infectious diseases and Dermatology”. 

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The members of Student Scientific Society made a presentation on its research work and the main achievements of the Department. After reviewing the information, students of SKSPhA got an opportunity to join Student scientific society “Infectiologist”.

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In the final competition, Student scientific society  “Infectiologist”  won the nomination “The best presentation”. This result is a systematic, continuous work of the Departments with students, which resulted in 8 experimental studies; 43 reports for international, national and interuniversity conferences; 83 publications in the collections of the university, in the collections of other universities and international conferences; 3 participations in student competitions.

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16.04.2017, 23:38