Student scientific-practical conference "Building Independence– Mangilik Yel"
On November 30, 2016 faculty of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences conducted a student scientific-practical conference on the theme: "Building Independence – Mangilik Yel", devoted to 25-anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the First President's Day and December events.
The purpose of the conference: summarizing the achievements of the country's for 25 years of Independence, the study of the role of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in the formation and strengthening of Kazakhstan's statehood, in developing and implementing a multi-vector policy of the Republic, in the formation of the national idea "Mangilik Yel", in the modernization of domestic Humanity.
Under the leadership of President Nursultan Nazarbayev the modern Kazakhstan has become a stable, developed country in which it is implemented active, purposeful policy aimed at improving the welfare of the nation. In the country there was created an atmosphere of unity, friendship, interethnic consent. These are the key areas in which reports and presentations of students were prepared under the guidance of teachers.
At the scientific-practical conference there were contests of reports, readers and posters in accordance with the theme between students. Teaching staff of the Department and 40 students of 1,2,3 year of all specialties, studying in the Department took part in the conference. Students A.Aralbai – 102 GM group, N. Zhangozin 204 Ph group, N. Asilbay 205 GM group, B.Besbayev – 101 GM group, placed prize winners were awarded with diplomas by Academy.
Summing up the conference, Deputy Head of the Department S. M. Taskymbayeva thanked students for active participation and said that each of us should contribute to the development and prosperity of our Republic in the light of the national idea "Mangilik Yel" implementation.