Student scientific and practical online conference " Pathophysiological foundations of endocrinology and its basic concepts»

On April 14, 2021, at the Department of "Normal and Pathological Physiology" in honor of the memory of prominent researchers of Kazakhstan Adilbekova Dariga Aidanovna, a student scientific and practical online conference "pathophysiological foundations of endocrinology and basic concepts"was held.

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8 reports were submitted for the presentation in Russian and Kazakh languages.

The event was attended by students of the 3rd year of the medical Faculty of Kanseit Madina on the topic "Diffuse toxic goiter", Abdukadikov Daniyar. Shakhrukh Mamekov on the topic "Diabetes mellitus", Gulistan Muradova, Victoria Zaporozhenko on the topic "Type 2 diabetes mellitus", Diana Bulatova, Dauren Tursynbekov on the topic "Itsenko-Cushing syndrome", Altinay Adenova, Nurzhan Oraz on the topic "Primary hypothyroidism", Kaipnazar Mariam, Altinay Zhumakhanova, Banu Jorakhanova on the topic "Menopausal Syndrome", Izbasar Ilyas on the topic "Addison's Pain", Anna Navesova on the topic "Panhypopituitarism" made presentations.

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The topics and content of the reports were different. The reports covered such topics as iodine deficiency, endocrinological diseases, etc., which are currently relevant in the Turkestan region. Summing up the results of the conference, the head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Bisimbayeva S. B. thanked the students and asked them to take part in student scientific and practical conferences covering such topical issues.

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28.04.2021, 04:50