Student Geography Tour

«Student Geographical Tour» was organized to the historical places of Turkestan region. A group of active and excellent students of our academy went to center of region, starting from the Ibraim ata and Karashash ana mausoleum, located in the Sairam region. Chapai Nurshat, an employee of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy, spoke about the mausoleums and the history of scientists, which made a trip even more interesting. We went to the source of the Ukash-ata water and witnessed the stories associated with the legends of this cult place. At the end of our trip, students stopped at the mausoleum of Khoja Akhmet Yasawi, visited the Caravan Palace and experienced an evening show program. The students expressed gratitude to administration of academy for organizing and sponsoring such a wonderful trip.

15.04.2024, 13:19