Strengthening cooperation with a partner university

A group of teaching staff of SKMA headed by the first vice-rector of the academy, professor Esirkepov M.M. continues activities within the framework of the World Bank project "Innovative Development of Pharmaceutical Education in the Republic of Tajikistan".
The first day of our colleagues' stay coincided with the beginning of a large-scale event held by the Tajik State Medical University "Days of Science and Innovation at TSMU. Abu ali ibni Sino "from 15 to 19 November 2021.
Professor Esirkepov M.M. began his work with a training course "Scientific Research Methodology".

Professor Ordabaeva S.K., professor Shertaeva K.D., professor Sagindykova B.A., docents Ibragimova A.G., Serikbaeva A.D. continued activities in accordance with the terms of reference of the project. During the week, a seminar and training will be held for the faculty of TSMU.

16.11.2021, 15:06