Standardized patient in medical education

From 2 to 6 October of 2017 the Head of the Department of  the Training Clinical and Simulation Departmen S. E. Abdraimova and teacher of the Department of Primary Health Care N.S. Bektibayeva on the basis of Karaganda state medical university took part in the Republican seminar-meeting “Simulation technologies in education and knowledge evaluation” where the head of the Center of practical skills, Professor of Kazan state medical university S. A. Bulatov held a workshop “Standardized patient in medical education”.


Optimization of the educational process is important for modern medical education. The method "Standardized patient" compared to traditional learning methods has several advantages. Namely, it allows to make the art of healing as an active learning method which gives the student the opportunity to independently use the accumulated potential of knowledge and transfer this knowledge from the theoretical knowledge to practical skills.

11.10.2017, 04:17