“Solidarity Day of the people of Kazakhstan”

On 24th April, 2017 A.N. Kasymbekova, a senior teacher of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Department held the event at the hostel of SKSPhA dedicated to the 1st of May. The students of the group 301 of the specialty “Technology of pharmaceutical production” took an active part in making arrangements for this event. They decorated the event hall of the hostel, made presentations about the holiday, games, songs and dances. It was paid a great attention to the history of this holiday, its celebration in other countries along with our country. The master of this event was Zhasmina Kuatbek. A.N. Kasymbekova addressed the guests with the opening speech on behalf of the Department. 

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All of us are looking forward to the 1st of May along with the spring holiday of Nauryz. This holiday is celebrated in a special way in each country. Having a political coloration, this holiday in our country became the Day of solidarity of the people of Kazakhstan. More than 130 nationalities live in peace and harmony in our country. This academic year, the student’s fraternity of our University has been enlarged by the students from India. They also get knowledge, study Kazakh and Russian languages, communicate with other students, make friends, learn our traditions, culture, songs.

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Mahmud Bhati,  a student of the group 111 (B), sang a song in Kazakh “Kazakh youth”. He was supported by other Indian students and young people participated in this event. There were songs, poems and everybody danced. The students answered questions according to the presentation content, there were games. Especially active students were awarded prizes.

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The event was also attended by D. Kanatuly, a leading specialist of youth policy department, O.S. Tukibayev, a teacher of the Department, Z.B. Duisenbi, the head of the cabinet; they provided a reasonable assistance in equipping the event with technical means.

The holiday was merry, interesting, exciting.

29.04.2017, 06:06