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This year in all regions of Kazakhstan festive events are widely held. Various public events were held in the Southern Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy to such dates as the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate, the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 20 anniversary of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan.

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If to dwell, teachers and students at the high level prepared concert programs, competitions for these dates. And also, on May 5, 2015 in the assembly hall of academy with the assistance of students the interfaculty club cheerful and resourceful on "The rector's cup" was carried out. The competition held in the Kazakh and Russian languages consisted of three stages where three groups competed.

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As a result of 1 place and the owner of a cup of the rector there was a team "Ambulance" of faculty of training of specialists with technical professional education, the 2nd place – the Youth of MPD team of the specialty "medico-preventive business", and the 3rd place – the Skoch KVN team, created from the Russian groups.


13.05.2015, 22:35