SKMA students are impressed by the play "Karakoz" by Mukhtar Auezov at the Shanin Theater

On March 31, 2021, students, residents, interns of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy plunged into the world of theatrical art.

The Kazakh Drama Theater staged the famous play "Karakoz"by Mukhtar Auezov on its stage.

"The theater company was so strong in the production of the play that it forced the young people to reconsider their views on the reality. The actors gave a lot of good impressions with their performance, " future doctors shared with the chairman of the student trade union committee.

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This year, the student trade union committee for the first time organized a visit to the drama theater for students of the academy. The student union plans to view the repertoire of the Russian Drama Theater, which is scheduled for May.

08.04.2021, 06:10