SKMA student volunteers took part in the Republican Conference of Geneticists of Kazakhstan

The Republican conference in Medical geneticists of Kazakhstan "Modern technologies of diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases", organized by the RPO "Association of Medical Geneticists of Kazakhstan" and JSC "Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology" was held in the third decade of October in Shymkent.

The opening ceremony was attended by: Azhar Giniyat - Vice Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Magripa Embergenova - Director of the Department of Maternal and Child Health of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shakhizat Halykova - Head of the Maternal Healthcare Department of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bakytzhan Pozilov - Head of the Department of Healthcare of the city of Shymkent.
The conference was attended by SKMA student volunteers: Amanbay Gulfarida, Teshebey Dulat, Zhumabay Meruert, Meyrbekova Asem, Ospanov Nurrakhat, Tulendiev Berdirahman, who provided significant support in organizing and holding the conference. All volunteers at the end of the conference were awarded with special letters of thanks from the First Head of the RPO "Association of Medical Geneticists of Kazakhstan".

The purpose of the conference in medical geneticists of Kazakhstan was to exchange scientific achievements and clinical experience in the organization of medical and genetic services, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of hereditary and congenital pathology, the development of personalized medicine in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The following topics were covered during the conference: medical genetic counseling, medical genetic service; modern approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hereditary and congenital pathology; modern molecular genetic methods for the diagnosis of hereditary diseases; selective screening of orphan hereditary diseases by tandem mass spectrometry; prenatal screening; personalized medicine as a basis for the prevention of multifactorial diseases; medical and genetic knowledge in the clinical practice of a modern doctor and issues of deontology and continuing medical education.
Future graduates of the university got acquainted with the latest inventions and discoveries in the treatment of hereditary diseases, exchanged useful contacts with leading experts in the field of genetics from Kazakhstan and other countries.

16.11.2021, 15:46