SKMA signed a memorandum of cooperation with the research institute of eye diseases

Today, a memorandum on scientific and technical cooperation between the SKMA and the republican research institute of eye diseases was signed at the hotel «Rixos Khadisha Shymkent». The parties agreed to promote mutual cooperation in the field of education, scientific research and healthcare. This implies joint research projects and the preparation of joint scientific publications, as well as the exchange of information on training programs, seminars, conferences of mutual interest.
Any of the parties can initiate joint specific scientific and technical work, providing the opportunity to share educational laboratories, libraries and other resources gratuitously.
Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Myrzabek Myrzashevich and Director-General of the research institute of eye diseases Neila Aldasheva Akhmetovna agreed to carry out joint cooperation on the basis of honest partnership and protection of each other's interests.
During the signing of the memorandum, the representatives of the health department of Shymkent, the first heads of medical institutions, medical clinics and pharmaceutical companies of the city, as well as the medical community were present.

19.11.2021, 16:47