SKMA and Scientific-medical community of Kazakhstan held a social forum «BELIEVE and LIVE»

On November 15, 2019, the two-day IV Socio-medical forum "Believe and live" started in the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The Interuniversity conference "Multidisciplinary problems of clinical oncology" gathered about three hundred delegates from Kazakhstan, Japan, Russia, Uzbekistan.

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This year Social and medical forum, organized by the Scientific and medical society of Kazakhstan under the leadership of Suriya Ertugyrovna Esentayeva was held in Shymkent city.

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Welcoming remarks at the Forum were made by: rector of the South Kazakhstan medical Academy, MD, Professor M.M. Rysbekov and prorector of scientific and clinical work of Kazakh-Russian medical University, PhD Zh. A. Imanbayeva.

The possibilities of modern chemotherapy has been analyzed by Kazakh specialists together with foreign colleagues. Speakers of the conference were leading medical scientists N.N. Petenko, Yu.V. Vakhabova (Russia, Moscow) and Professor of Aichi Medical University Kazuo Ozawa (Tokyo, Japan).

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Master classes are devoted to the modern classification of radiological evaluation of the effectiveness of targeted therapy and side effects in Oncology and are designed for radiologists, chemotherapists, district oncologists, surgeons, GPs, nurses, primary care physicians. By the way, it is planned to discuss the need to delegate some medical functions to nurses at the stage of outpatient drug therapy.

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On the second day of the forum will be shown a documentary film about the project "Children on the wings of creativity" created by the Scientific and Medical society about the experience of art therapy of young patients, the art project "Children help children", the children's competition "Let's draw a fairy tale".

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Children on the stage of the Assembly hall will show the play "In search of a magic remedy for all diseases" based on fairy tales written by young patients. In the play all the roles are played by children with oncological and hematological pathology-patients of the Scientific center of Pediatrics and pediatric surgery.

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All participants of the two-day Interuniversity Conference were awarded with certificates.

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15.11.2019, 10:55