SKMA and CCH №1: new opportunities for cooperation and prospects

Today, between the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and the City Clinical Hospital №1 Shymkent signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of education and science.

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As stated the moderator of the meeting, the rector of SKMA, Professor Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov, signing the document, which is an important stage in the development of human capital, the Academy and CCH №1 expect long-term cooperation and ready to work together.

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Chief doctor of City clinical hospital №1, Abylai Abdizhapparovich Dombay has stressed that the necessary conditions will be created for the training process, as participating faculty members and scientists in medical-diagnostic process, consultative work. And what is important – to secure a mentor from among the medical staff of the clinical base.

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In December 2020, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the Regulations on clinical bases of medical educational organizations. According to the new Regulation, both parties decided to develop cooperation and expand opportunities for their continuous professional growth for the practice-oriented clinical training of students.

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There were present, head of the Health Department of Shymkent B.Posilov, Vice-chancellor for scientific and clinical work of SKMA B.K. Nurmashev, chief doctors of polyclinics and medical organizations, the medical community and media representatives during the signing of the document.

12.01.2021, 06:50