Currently, an increasing concern of the world community acquires a disease caused by a new kind of coronavirus -COVID-19. The new coronavirus belongs to the same virus family as the well-known severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus SARS-CoV and the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus MERS-CoV which have claimed hundreds of lives over the past 17 years. On 30th January the World Health Organization recognized the outbreak of coronavirus as a global emergency. On 13th February 2020 according to the WHO 59,493 people infected with a confirmed case of the disease. A total of 1,355 people killed, including two outside of mainland China. Diagnostic criteria COVID-19: incubation period - 2-14 days, acute onset of the disease; increase in body temperature; chills, sweating; general weakness; myalgia and body aches; headache; nasal congestion and coryza (rhinorrhea, sneezing); cough (dry or with a little sputum); dyspnea; shortness of breath; nausea; vomiting. The staff of the clinical departments of the UKMA is doing a lot of work to train doctors of medical organizations on early diagnosis, medical tactics of a doctor, prevention, anti-epidemic measures in the event of a coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the Shymkent , Turkestan and Zhambyl regions. So, for the period 28/01/2020 - 02/02/2020 7012 various specialties of doctors trained: heads of medical organizations, GPD, infectious disease specialists, doctors and emergency medical practitioners, epidemiologists, laboratory assistants, pulmonologists, resuscitators, pediatricians. Lectures also were given for students, residents of SKMA, both in the territory of educational buildings and in student’s hostels. The curriculum of the specialty "General Medicine" includes the theme COVID-19. Heads of departments Kauyzbay Zh.A., Dosybaeva G.N., Asanova G.K., Datkhaeva G.M., Seydakhmetova A.A., Abdurakhmanov B.A., Deputy Dean of the FCPS took an active part in the formation of lecture groups and conducting training seminars in all areas of Turkestan, Zhambyl regions and the Shymkent. Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology Berdalieva F.A. created booklets, hand-out guidelines, training videos on COVID-19. Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenereology SKMA Professor Abuova G.N. is one of the developers of the Clinical Protocol for the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus infection, a member of the Republican headquarters for training on coronavirus infection, gives a course of lectures on this pathology. The work of SKMA employees to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the region continues.

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17.02.2020, 00:40