September 1 - Knowledge Day

A traditional meeting dedicated to the Day of Knowledge was held on the online platform in the large assembly hall of the Academy. The organizer was the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy.

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The solemn part was opened by the rector of the Academy, Professor M. M. Rysbekov, Vice-rector for educational, methodological and educational work M. U. Anartaeva, Vice-rector for Scientific and Clinical Work B. Nurmashev congratulated on the beginning of the new academic year, wished success in the upcoming studies. The deans of the faculties informed the students about the educational process.The head of the library and information center, R. I. Derbicheva, introduced the library system and the book fund,the rules for using books.

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The head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy E. Salim also congratulated everyone, told about the main directions of educational work and familiarized with the internal regulations at the university and with the existing youth public organizations.

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The solemn ceremony ended with a concert program and a video showing.

This event was shown on social networks.

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We wish you all a happy new academic year!

01.09.2021, 20:36