Seminar "Technology of assessment in teaching languages"

On May 30, 2022, a seminar was held on the topic “Technology of assessment in teaching languages”, organized by the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.
Salim E.K., Head of the Department for Social Affairs and Youth Policy, made an introductory speech. On topical issues of the seminar, acting. associate professor Temirbekova G.K., Kasymbekova A.N., senior lecturers Abdullabekova A.T., Kemelkhan D.Zh., teacher Dosmailova Zh.I., who gave interesting information on the topics of their reports, shared valuable experience.
The participants of the seminar expressed their opinions on the issues under discussion and suggested further focusing their attention on the work on the problem of assessment technology. Letters of appreciation were handed over to active participants of the seminar.

01.06.2022, 20:00