Seminar on the theme"Scientific heritage of Akhmet Baitursynov"

On 15.04.2022, a seminar "Scientific heritage of Akhmet Baitursynov" was held, dedicated to the Day of Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, organized by the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.

The seminar was attended by the head of the department of services for children of middle and high school age of the Turkestan regional library named after Y.Altynsarin Dzhailybaeva M.S., who organized a book exhibition with a literature review. The seminar was also attended by the head of the sector of scientific work, doctoral and master's studies Mutalipova G.Z.
Reports were made about the teacher of the nation Akhmet Baitursynov by the staff of the department of acting associate professor Kasymbekova A.N., Ph.D., associate professor Temirbekova G.K., and senior teachers Abdullabekova A.T., Zhakipova A.S., senior teacher of the department of foreign languages Baymakhanova A.B.
At the seminar, students conducting research work in the areas of the department Valieva A.A., Irgash K.A., Farhadov Sh.A., Abdizhappar S.Zh. made their presentations, who told about the significant contribution of the scientist to the development of Kazakh terminology.
Active participants of the seminar were awarded with the letters of thanks.

18.04.2022, 11:33