Seminar on "Healthy Nutrition"

On October 21, 2016 teaching staff of "Public Health - 2" department conducted seminar "Healthy Nutrition" at the Regional Rehabilitation Center for children. In this seminar 2-year students of specialty "Public Health" actively participated.

The aim of the seminar was the promotion of healthy eating among children.

Opening remarks were provided by deputy chief physician of the regional rehabilitation center Meyramkүl Baulankyzy Altayeva and professor Aliya Seysenbayevna Bibolova, who underlined the importance of a healthy diet for a complete mental, physical and emotional development of the child's body.

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At the beginning of the seminar there was a presentation to familiarize children with the principles of a healthy diet. After the presentation, students have established active feedback and conducted a survey in the form of a quiz.

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Also musical exercise was carried out to improve the children's activity.

Then the children together with students eagerly participated in the competition for time piramidy produсе food collection, demonstrated knowledge  received during a presentation at the beginning of the seminar.

For each correct answer, and the active participation children received prizes. At the end of the seminar, each child received an apple as a gift - as the evidence of a healthy diet!

During the seminar, the children were presented with sayings, riddles and logic game on a rational and healthy eating.

At the end of the seminar there was held mobile game "Chair" for the merry completion.

The most active children were awarded certificates by the deputy head physician Meyramkul Baulankyzy Altayeva.

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Closing speech was made by the Professor of "Public Health - 2" Aliya Seysenbayevna Bibolova.

25.10.2016, 22:22