On the initiative of the management of the Department of scientific and clinical work, PhD doctoral and master's programs a seminar "methodology of scientific research" dedicated to the "Day of Science" was held on 11.04.2022.
The organizers are "Dean's Office of Internship", "Department of General Practitioner-2", "Department of Biology and Biochemistry".

During the opening of the seminar, the head of the Department of scientific and clinical work, PhD doctoral and master's programs,  A. A. Zhaksylyk, noted that April 11, 2022, from April 11 to April 29, will be dedicated to the "Day of Science". JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy" organized events dedicated to the "Day of Science" and invited all students to take part in the event. The floor was given to the "vice-rector for Scientific and Clinical Work" Nurmashev Bekaidar Kaldybaevich.

Nurmashev B. K.: April 11 is the Day of Science Workers in Kazakhstan. In 2011, President Nursultan Nazarbayev issued a decree and approved April 11 as the Day of Science Workers. The celebration of the holiday began in 2012. Currently, more than 22 thousand employees work in the scientific field of Kazakhstan. The foundation of the formation of the scientific sphere in Kazakhstan was the establishment in 1946 of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 76 years have passed since then. The floor was given to the first vice-rector, PhD, Professor Yessirkepov Marlen Makhmudovich to start the seminar "methodology of scientific research".

The report was delivered by the first vice-rector of the South Kazakhstan State Medical Academy, Ph.D., Professor Yessirkepov Marlen Makhmudovich, who spoke in detail about the development and selection of research topics, methods of working with research sites and the literature used.

The staff of the Academy, internships, undergraduate and graduate students took an active part in today's seminar. They received answers to their specific questions, strengthened their knowledge. The seminar was very interesting and informative.

11.04.2022, 16:13