Seminar lecture of the head of the Department of immunology of S.D.Asfendiyarov Kaznmu candidate of Medical Sciences Bitanova Elmira Zheniskhanovna (visiting professor)

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From May 25 to 26, 2021, in an On-line format, head of the Department of immunology of the Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Ph. D. Bitanova E. zh. "vaccines and vaccinoprophylaxis" "possibilities of vaccinoprophylaxis COVID19" Immunobiology of tumors. Lecture seminar on " modern methods of Tumor Immunotherapy



Topics of the lecture:

«vacines and vaccinoprophylaxis» lecture-seminars

1. Overview of biotechnological methods for developing modern vaccines

2. immune response during vaccination, the concept of population immunity

3. types, features of the usage and effectiveness of vaccines

4. therapeutic vaccines

Lecture-seminar "possibilities of covid19 vaccinoprophylaxis":

Topics of the lecture:

1.current state of use of COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccinoprophylaxis of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan.

2. Sputnik V-overview of data on the composition, application experience, effectiveness, adverse consequences after vaccination

3. KazVak-review of data on the composition, application experience, effectiveness, adverse consequences after vaccination

4. Hayat-Vax-review of information about the composition, application experience, effectiveness, side effects after vaccination



Immunobiology Of Tumors. Modern methods of Tumor Immunotherapy»

Immune status and immunodiagnostics methods in oncology "

During the lecture-seminar on the issues of teaching Immunology in medical universities, questions were asked.

The seminar was actively attended by representatives of teaching staff of the Departments of Microbiology, Virology and immunology, Family Medicine of AO "SKMA", resident oncologists and residents of other specialties.

31.05.2021, 23:28