Securing professional competencies of a pharmacist - analyst

Annual manufacturing practice “Quality control and drug certification” of 4 course students of pharmaceutical faculty was held in the test laboratories of the National Center of examination of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment in Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Taraz and Shymkent.

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In today's high-tech equipment trainees completed the physical, chemical and physico-chemical analysis of drugs (forms) according to the requirements of normative documents, such as the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan, European Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia, and US Pharmacopeia.

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The students analyzed various drugs using modern high-accuracy equipment: pH meter PP 50 “Sartorius” IR spectrometer with a Nicolet 380 Fourier transformer “Thermo Ficher Scientific”, equipment for thin-layer chromatography Cammag, the device for determining the melting point of the circular polarimeter CM 3, laboratory binocular microscope with microocular Axiostar Plus, spectrophotometer “UV-Vis Evolution 300” high-performance liquid chromatograph “Agilent technologies” and others. acquainted with the system microbial control formulations firm “Sartorius”. Special experiences trainees have left the testing laboratory at Almaty NCDAC, equipped with the international quality standards.

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Trainees during the internship as a whole performed tasks stipulated working program production practices. They performed actions in the enterprise internal regulations comply with safety regulations and fire safety rules, drawn up in the course of practice diaries of manufacturing practices and prepare a written report on the results of the practice. As a result, the practice allowed forming students' general and professional competence, and communication skills.

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The staff of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry and students express their gratitude to the leaders of the bases of production practices for the smooth organization and a rich program of practical training:

·NCDAC CEO - Mussin S.R, chief of testing laboratory - Kabdenova A.P;

·Astana NCDAC CEO – Nysanbayev Zh.M, chief of testing laboratoryKipchakbaeva U.B;

·Karaganda NCDAC CEO Nigmatulin A.Z, chief of testing laboratoryArkhipova N.N;

·Taraz NCDAC CEO – Daurbayeva Kh.A, chief of testing laboratoryDorn T.P;

·Shymkent NCDAC CEO Turmakhanov A.K, chief of testing laboratory Anarbaeva R.M.

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13.07.2015, 22:51