Scientists of Kazakhstan have been taught to sell their ideas!

From 25 to 29 June in the South Kazakhstan region was held the Summer interdisciplinary school for young scientists of Kazakhstan: "Actual issues of management and commercialization of research projects". For five days, sociologists, doctors, philosophers and physicists have been told how to attract investors. The summer interdisciplinary school was organized by the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy with the support of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. Marketers, economists and well-known business trainers in the country spoke for 40 scientists of Kazakhstan.

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The summer school is a unique platform for the development of interaction between young researchers. Participants from all over Kazakhstan were gathered in the warmest region of the republic. And already here, in the South-Kazakhstan region, for 40 people first conducted a cognitive excursion, and then began to study.

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Students of the Summer Interdisciplinary School for Young Scientists of Kazakhstan were scientific employees, teachers, doctoral students. For participation it was necessary to pass the competition: submit an application, tell about your project and provide a resume. And the candidate must meet the following criteria:

- age up to 30 years;

- work experience of at least 3 years in a university, research institute;

- High achievement for doctoral students (presence of a transcript).

For five days the researchers were told how to create a successful project, competently submit their idea, attract investors and, of course, earn money. All the secrets of success to the students of the Summer School were revealed by professional business coaches, sociologist, economist, chemist, IT specialist and journalist.

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However, young scientists of the Summer Interdisciplinary School not only discussed scientific trends, but also uncovered them. During the school's work, a focus group interview was conducted. Questioning with participants will identify the problems of Kazakhstan's science and help determine the most popular branch of Kazakhstan's science and find out what motivates the research staff. For example, in the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy in this direction prepared a whole presentation of youth programs, taking into account all modern trends.

And in the framework of the Summer School of the Fund of the First President, young scientists conducted open training for all students. The Council for Science under the Foundation took part in the republican action "Another You Challenge!" By their example, they decided to motivate the people of Kazakhstan to lead a healthy lifestyle.

06.07.2018, 22:09