Scientists and teachers of SKMA supported infectious diseases doctors of Shymkent in the fight against coronavirus

The youth organization "Bolashak" of the South Kazakhstan medical academy organized food delivery for three teams of doctors of the infectious diseases hospital in Shymkent.

The scientists and teachers of the academy decided to support the doctors of the infectious diseases hospital who do not leave the hospital for days to provide qualified medical care to infected patients with coronaviros and who are in quarantine zones of patients.

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“We must understand that the world is in danger due to the raging coronavirus infection,” says Ordabaeva Saule Kutymovna, head of the department, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor. Thousands of doctors, medical workers, law enforcement officials and customs are in danger zones, and nevertheless courageously and heroically fulfill their professional duty. We understand that children, parents, husbands and wives are waiting for them. We appreciate their work and therefore stay at home. SKMA, as well as universities in Kazakhstan, conducts training in an online format with students, video conferences.

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The action was initiated by students with the support of the following departments: pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, social-public disciplines, pharmacognosy, organization and management of pharmaceutical business, deans of the faculty of medicine and pharmacy, internship, medical college, department of social affairs and youth policy.

The head of the laboratory, the chairman of the trade union committee Kulzhanova Kaldygul Zhapparovna expressed gratitude on behalf of the doctors of the infectious diseases hospital.

By the way, SKMA students have prepared a video in support of infectious diseases doctors in Shymkent, which is posted on the Academy's website.

24.04.2020, 07:38