Scientific seminar devoted to the "Day of Science"


On April 10, 2018 in the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, at the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry a scientific seminar was carried out on the topic: "Medicinal plants of the flora of Southern Kazakhstan, used in ethnoscience" devoted to the "Day of Science"


The scientific seminar was attended by guests: candidate of biological sciences Ibrahimov T.S. Head of the branch of Pastures and Forage Cultures of the South-Western Research Institute of Plant Growing and Livestock, candidate of chemical sciences Tashkaraev R.A. Head of the Department of Biology and Chemistry, Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical University of Friendship of Peoples, Ormanov N.Zh. Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, SKMA. At a scientific seminar was also attended by members of the department of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, Department of organization and management of pharmaceutical business and the Department of Drug Technology.

Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Patsaev A.K. delivered an opening speech..

At the seminar the speakers were asked questions. To which there were exhaustive answers.

At the end of the scientific seminar a banquet was organized.

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The head of the department Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Patsaev A.K. and the guests of the seminar.

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Speech of the masters student of the second year of study by the specialty "Pharmacy" Kenzhebaev J.

16.04.2018, 07:33