Scientific-Investment project S2B - intellectual Hub

6.04.2018 in Shymkent with the support of U: Project the first pitching of scientific developments, ideas and projects of the investment project "S2B" PITCH was held. "S2B" is a digital platform where young scientists can present their scientific projects for further commercialization and development of SMEs among young people. The purpose of this project is the use of marketing principles in the field of science, maintenance and subsequent commercialization of research initiatives.

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The S2B site provided an opportunity for enterprising and creative scientists from the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov and the Kazakh-Turkish International Kazakh-Turkish University. HA. Yasavi, to perform with his scientific developments in the field of medicine, construction and materials science before the Director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the South Kazakhstan Oblast Askar Abubakirov, Chairman of the Board of RIC "Ontustyk" Kuanysh Baytore and young investor Tohtar Alibayev.

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During the meeting, investors shared useful advice, suggestions and recommendations for the further development of projects. Prospects and models for the development of scientific activity, ways and mechanisms for financing scientific developments were discussed, which in future should be commercialized. The meeting at the digital platform "S2B" was fruitful, with great benefit for all participants and an interest in financing among investors.

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16.04.2018, 06:04