Scientific internship of teachers in Finland

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ «AccelED» project, in the period from 03.13.2023 to 03.24.2023, the teachers of the Department of Emergency Medical Care and Nursing, Khojakulova Umida Abdyvalyevna and Dana Auyezkhankyzy, completed a research internship at the JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyvaskyla (Finland).
The purpose of the scientific internship: to study the methods of research in nursing and teaching, to improve the quality of teaching research and teacher training processes during the internship in EU partner institutions and to disseminate the best research practices between partner universities and EU partner countries.
During the internship, the teachers attended lectures by professors who use different forms of lectures: binary, problem and review, discuss issues of open science and the creation of repositories.

JAMK teachers shared their experiences and difficulties when opening the repository. The distinctive work of the university is working with music, music therapy and breathing therapy. According to the program, teachers attended the pre-defense of master's theses, got acquainted with the organization of clinical practice for undergraduate students and visited a clinic that rehabilitates neurological patients. In the course on digital pedagogy, teachers learned how to record a lesson and podcasts that can be used in class. The teachers also trained their skills in planning, organizing, conducting and analyzing qualitative research.

The Erasmus+ «AccelED» project focuses on modernizing the management and functioning of healthcare and higher education practices in Kazakhstan. The project is implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ program for capacity building in higher education with the participation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science, Astana Medical University, Kazakh National Medical University named after Asfendiyarov, Karaganda Medical University, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, the Medical Faculty of Nazarbayev University. The European partners in this project are JAMK University of Applied Sciences and Abo Academy University (Finland), Utrecht University Medical Center (Netherlands) and the Lithuanian University of Medical Sciences (Lithuania), which is the coordinator of the project.

28.03.2023, 14:59