Scientific internship at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences LSMU, Kaunas, Lithuania

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ "Accelerated" project, in the period from 01.03.2023 to 19.04.2023, undergraduates of the educational program "Nursing" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Ibragimova Kumushbegim and Kengesbek Diana completed a scientific internship at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences LSMU, Kaunas, Lithuania. The purpose of the scientific internship is to increase the interest of undergraduates in the development of competencies for further study in doctoral studies, teaching and conducting research in nursing in Kazakhstan.
During the scientific internship, undergraduates listened to lectures by professors from Japan of Nagoya University - Jonas Cruz, Nazarbayev University - Paolo Coleta. Lectures on the methodology of qualitative research in nursing. We also listened to the reports of undergraduate students from Japan on the results of qualitative research in nursing.

Undergraduates have access to databases in the LSMU library to study publications, dissertations and articles. They had free access to the patients of university clinics, got acquainted with the organization, work of departments, and documentation.
We visited clinical training centers, where students are given free access to practice practical skills. We watched how undergraduate students pass the OSCE. We learned the format of the OSCE. They took part, observed the work of students in practical classes in order to learn new interactive pedagogical methods of teaching and assessment, improve their English language skills.

24.04.2023, 17:14