Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the Day of Science of the Department of Family Medicine

As part of the annual events held at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy dedicated to the Day of Science, 10 April 2024, the Department of Family Medicine together with the Faculty of Medicine. DGP 1 and DGP 3 on the basis of Shymkent city polyclinic No. 8 with the participation of general practitioners held a scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Current problems of pediatrics in the practice of GP / family doctor".
The purpose and main objectives of the conference were the exchange of theoretical and practical experience in the field of scientific research on topical issues of medicine between interns, faculty and general practitioners; improving the knowledge and skills of research work of trainees, expanding the general scientific and special horizons of teachers and doctors of practical healthcare; maintaining continuity between generations of doctors.
The moderator of the conference, Head of the Department of Family Medicine, Ph.D., Associate Professor J.A. Kauyzbai, after a brief introductory speech, gave a welcome speech to the honorary guests of the conference: Acting head of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Department of UCMA B.S. Seit, chief physician of GP No. 8 S.T. Almenov, as well as Deputy Dean of the Department of Internship and graduate Employment A.R. Saburov. Also, the parting words of support for the participants were expressed by the head of the department of DGP 1, associate professor G.M. Datkaeva and the head teacher of the faculty. DGP 3 by G.Sh. Baymakov.
After the opening of the conference, the deputy chief physician of the city polyclinic No. 8, A.A. Izbasarova, made a large-scale report on the topic "Problems of pediatrics in general medical practice".
The main report of the conference on the topic "Medicosocial and demographic aspects of infant mortality", assistant of the Department of Family Medicine, Master of Health L.V. Akhmetova drew the attention of future doctors to the health of mother and child. The report notes that according to WHO, the first cause of infant mortality is defects in perinatal development.
According to the approved rules of the conference, 16 reports were listened to. The presentations presented large-scale and relevant topics such as the outbreak of measles and whooping cough in Kazakhstan this year, an analysis of the causes by region was carried out; the prevalence and problems of diagnosis and socialization of children with autism; early prenatal diagnosis of Down's disease; the problems of suicide among adolescents, obesity, iodine deficiency, bronchial asthma, CHD were touched upon in children; pathology of newborns. Interns in their works demonstrated the results of various methods and types of scientific research, knowledge of basic statistical indicators, the ability to analyze the results of research, the ability to work with scientific literature. The conference participants had the opportunity to expand the topic of their research and discuss important issues with doctors. All those present actively participated in the materials discussion section. Teaching staff of the departments, interns and general practitioners of the polyclinic shared their opinions, knowledge, achievements, scientific discoveries, as well as prospects for the development of a particular medical field. At the end of the reports, the interns conducted a self-assessment of their works and analyzed the speakers' speeches, the mentors noted the most interesting works, expressed their ideas and suggestions on some difficult issues, in particular, on conducting research work.
In conclusion, the moderator, Professor J.A. Kauyzbai and the guests of the conference thanked the participants of the conference, highlighted the issues that need to be updated by young scientists in their future work, then held a solemn ceremony awarding letters of thanks to interns who actively participated in the conference.

16.04.2024, 15:47