Science forever

“Day of Science” was marked by a round table on the topic “Current state of quality control and chemical-toxicological analysis of medicines” at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry. The state and results of the research work of the department and issues of further development in this direction were discussed.

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Responsible for research work of the department Makhova Yelena and Serikbayeva Aigul spoke about the organization and implementation of research work of the teaching staff and the student scientific circle, as well as on scientific directions and achievements.

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Postgraduates of the department Atyrkhanova Karlygash, Duisenova Maira, Bidaybek Ramazan, Mirsoatova Mohinur and the students of the scientific circle presented the results of their scientific work and made a brief account of the academic year of study.

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Professor Ordabaeva Saule spoke about the new means of observation and experiment, the discoveries of new methods of cognition, the improvement of the methods for processing the results of the study and other innovations. New medicinal preparations have been created at the department, patents have been obtained, quality specifications have been developed, scientific contracts have been implemented with the NPhU (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and BSMU (Ufa, Russia).

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The editor of the republican scientific journal “Vestnik of SKMA” Shaimerdenova Raihan congratulated the participants and noted the continuity of scientific research, the young scientists of the department develop the achievements of previous works and promote science in continuous movement.

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13.04.2018, 21:12