Sanitary and educational work in Nazarbayev Intellectual School

On April 18, 25 2016 the teachers of the Department “Therapy of Bachelor’s degree” conducted sanitary and educational work at Nazarbayev Intellectual School. The goal of this work was the formation of a conscious attitude of students towards their health.

An assistant of the Department B.M. Baydullayev put up students to the causes, manifestations, as well as measures to prevent obesity.

An assistant Zh.M.Abdukarimova familiarized students with the measures of hepatitis prevention.

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On April 27, 2016 in conjunction with Regional Center of a healthy lifestyle formation there was held an educating campaign “Proper balanced nutrition of schoolchildren”.

An opening speech was made by E.K. Bekmurzayeva, the Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. She focused on a conscious attitude towards health, development of good nutrition skills.

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Besides, the following students of medical faculty Asem Torekhan, Gulnisan Aliyeva, Aizhan Serikbayeva, Balzhan Yerman presented their reports prepared under the guidance of teachers of the Department- G.S. Sadykova, F.M. Seydaliyeva, B.M. Baidullayeva.

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To get a feedback, there was held a competitive game – a quiz among the students for the best knowledge of proper nutrition; the winners were awarded prizes.

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During this campaign, the teachers of the Department raised public awareness and answered all questions of students and school teachers.

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The presented campaign material includes interesting facts, tasks and issues that require active thought process and serves as a basis for the formation of nutrition culture. We hope that the information children have learned from our conversation will help them to make the right choice, because the truth about product quality is our health!

11.05.2016, 07:15