“Russian language is on communicative platform”

On February 26, 2016 there was held International scientific and methodical online seminar on the theme “Language competence as a factor of highly professional environment”. The event was organized at the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin Languages together with the Faculty of Philology and World languages of KazNU named after Al-Farabi (Almaty) to promote closer mutual cooperation and establishment of creative and scientific contacts, as well as for the exchange of educational experience. 

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The participants hotly discussed issues of improving professional competence, implementing innovative technologies in educational process of non – language universities. Seminar objectives: enhancing spiritual, educational, intellectual and cultural potential, popularization of the idea of ​​multilingual society by preserving the identity of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan. The modern world does not stand still, and is moving forward very fast, and taking this into account, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for language learning.

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The seminar was held to discuss topical issues of multilingual education development in institutions: on modern methods of learning outcomes assessment in higher education, on module education, on working methodology with the scientific text. Gradually, the discussion turned to another plane - the issues of terminology training. In this regard, a lot of comments were aroused by the speech of Y.K. Salim, the Head of Kazakh course; his speech was about problems of term translation. A great interest was aroused the presentation of S.Kh. Amandykova, the Head of Russian Language Department; it was about electronic learning and cognitive animated manual “The development of higher education in Kazakhstan in the context of Bologna process and state policy in the sphere of public health”, this manual was developed by the teachers of professional Russian language of our Academy. The Head of the Department of Russian Philology, Russian and World Literature of KazNU, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor B.U. Dzholdasbekova thanked the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages for their cooperation and expressed the desire to continue sharing innovative ideas. Speakers noted that such online seminars provide information in a real time, there are not only the differences but also many similarities in specialist training of different profiles.

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Word is the greatest creative force. More than one generation of famous philologists attempted to give an explanation to the word, to give a definition, and at the same time to reveal the significance of this phenomenon in language. And such seminars surely give fruitful results

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03.03.2016, 04:04