Round table with the participation of employers.

On November 15, 2022, a round table with the participation of employers on the preparation of graduates with secondary medical education was held at the medical college at JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy". The event was attended by the dean's office of the medical college, heads of departments, representatives of the regional clinical hospital, No. 1 city clinical hospital, city polyclinic No. 3 and students of the medical college.

Reports were heard at the round table: Head of the Department of "Nursing" Master of medical science Serikova B.D. on the topic: "Training of specialists in the field of healthcare at the mid-level",
the senior nurse of the “Heart Center” Medetbekova Zh.E. made a presentation on the topic: “Innovations in nursing at the Shymkent Heart Center” and noted the importance and role of new technologies in the work of nursing professionals.

Acting Director of the Medical College at JSC "SKMA" Mambetalieva G.O. congratulated the employers Meimasheva G.B., Muratbekova K.A., Imanalieva Zh.A. and Tenizbaev S.T. with a holiday and presented letters of thanks on behalf of the head of the department of education of the city of Shymkent Tazhiyeva Zh.A., the akim of the city of Shymkent M.D. Aitenov, as well as from the Minister of Education and Science A.K. Aimagambetova.

During the meeting, issues of improving educational programs to prepare graduates for professional activities were discussed.
The chief nurse of the regional clinical hospital Muratbekova K.A., invited to the event, expressed her warm and sincere wishes to all the participants of the round table.

16.11.2022, 17:25