Round table with employers

In order to improve the continuous integrated educational program "medical and preventive care", the chairman of the Academic Committee, Acting Associate Professor S. U. Eskerova, 30.04.2024 y. held a joint round table with teachers of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology and specialists in the field of sanitary and epidemiological control in Shymkent. The round table was attended by Deputy head of the Shymkent disinfection station Saparova S.M., chief specialist of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Turan district Zhunusbai A., bacteriologist of the Shymkent anti-plague station Zhunisova A.O., epidemiologist of the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS Sydykov G.K., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the SKMA Mutalipova G. Z. and teaching staff of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology Utepov P. D., Beisembayeva Z. I., Zhaksybayeva Zh. B. and Baikonsova L. O. At the round table with a report on the topic: "Improvement of the continuous integrated educational program "Medical and preventive care" was made by S.U.Eskerova.
The participants of the round table discussed the content of the continuous integrated educational program "Medical and preventive care", basic and specialized disciplines of sanitary and epidemiological orientation, their integration into modules, they also discussed the current state of the profession in the labor market, practical needs and bases.

13.05.2024, 17:42