On March 11, 2022, «South Kazakhstan Medical Academy» JSC held a round table on the topic: «Training of pharmaceutical personnel in accordance with the requirements of the modern labor market»
The purpose of this event was to improve the quality of education programs «Pharmacy» and «Technology of pharmaceutical production» and to solve problems concerning the employment of graduates in order to improve the quality of training of pharmaceutical personnel in Kazakhstan within the framework of the integration of science, education and practice.


The program of the round table

1. «Pharmaceutical education programs in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan (on the example of the SKMA) and plans for updating the pharmaceutical training program» - Chairman of the project management group of pharmaceutical education programs of the AMA RAMC in the direction of «Healthcare» Ibragimova Aigul Gaffarovna.
2. «Improvement of the education program for training pharmaceutical personnel» - Chairman of the Committee of education program «Pharmacy» Toksanbayeva Zhanat Sadebekovna
3. «Achievements in the training of personnel in the specialty «Technology of pharmaceutical production» taking into account the requirements of the labor market and issues that need to be solved» - Chairman of the Committee of education program «Technology of pharmaceutical production» Torlanova Botagoz Ongarovna
4. «On Master's and doctoral degree educational programs» - Head of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, Doctoral studies and Master's degree Zhaksylyk Alikhan Altynhanuly.
5. «The current situation on the labor market in the pharmaceutical field. Proposals for sustainable employment of a pharmacist» - Director of the Association of Pharmaceutical Organizations of South Kazakhstan Region «Damu» Alzhanova Khadisha Derbisovna.
6. «Indicators of employment of SKMA graduates» - Dean of internship and employment of graduates Kemelbekov Kanatzhan Saukhanbekovich.
7. Questions and Answers
Discussion of the results of the round table
Adoption of the resolution
The moderator of the round table was the Vice-rector for AMaEW, MD Anartaeva M.U.

The organizers of the round table were the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Dean's Office of Internship and Employment of Graduates, the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, doctoral and Master's degrees and the authorities of «SKMA» JSC.

The round table was attended by more than 70 people, including representatives of practical pharmacy, namely: the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Atameken» Shymkent, heads of the Department of the Committee of Medical and Pharmaceutical Control of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Shymkent, Turkestan region and Taraz (online), representatives of the Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical organizations of SKR»Damu», chambers of entrepreneurs of Shymkent, founders of «Zerde» LLP, «Zada-Pharm» LLP, «Recipe» LLP, Santo Member of Polpharma Group, «Zhanga Shipa» LLP, «Medservice plus», western branch of «Europharma» LLP (online), «Phyto-Apipharm» LLP, «Ecopharm International», «Mental Health Center», «Zerde Pharm» LLP and the management of «SKMA» JSC, as well as the teaching staff of EP «Pharmacy», « Technology of pharmaceutical production « (offline).

During the discussion on the integration of science, education and practice the following conclusions and recommendations were made:
1. The research and educational activities of SKMA correspond to modern trends in the development of the pharmaceutical industry.
2. It is necessary to develop closer and more effective educational and scientific collaboration in obtaining concrete results between SKMA and other subjects of pharmaceutical activity.
3. At the national level, adopt requirements to ensure the communication of pharmaceutical organizations and enterprises with universities on the problems of technology modernization, the development of domestic drugs production. In this regard, it is necessary, together with SKMA, to increase the activity of pharmaceutical entities in the implementation of research projects, business projects on domestic drug development.
4. It is necessary to develop professional competencies in management and quality assurance at all stages of the circulation of medicines and medical devices in accordance with GxP, the search and development of domestic medicines.
Proposals were also made regarding the employment of graduates:
1. Speed up the procedure for issuing a specialist certificate to graduates in the specialty «Pharmacy»;
2. Calculating the rating, the indicator «employment of graduates» the end of the current calendar year should take into account;
3. There is a need for close feedback between the SKMA and public and private facilities in the sphere of drug treatment on the issue of providing information on the employment of graduates, especially those who studied on a state grant.
4. The participants of the round table showed high interest in further discussion of the problems and challenges facing pharmacy and their willingness to cooperate with the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. Following the results of the round table, a resolution was adopted.

01.04.2022, 19:04