Round table «The profession we choose»

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On December 7, 2016 Department of "Public Health - 1" in the assembly hall of SKSPhA held a round table entitled "The profession we choose" for the IV, V year students of the specialty "Public Health".

Qualifications for Bachelor's degree in healthcare on specialty "Public Health"  allow to occupy the following positions: manager of healthcare (on the quality of medical services, strategy and marketing of medical services, for the organization and methodology of providing health services ), the manager of Human Resources (hr-management) in the field of healthcare, public health specialist (valeologist, statistician, methodist), the head of the structural subdivisions in  healthcare organization, Deputy head of healthcare organization, the head of the healthcare organization.

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The purpose of the round table:

Explain to students, what kind of job they can choose in the future, what the requirements for this profession are and what benefits there are for the young specialist has with a degree for working in rural area.


The guests of the round table:

1. Kalizhan Salmanuly Adasov - head of organizational and methodical department of psycho-neurological hospital.

2. Zhanar Orazbekkyzy Kudayarova - chief specialist of the Department of Protection of Consumers' Rights.

3. Ertay Bekenuly Kozhamkulov – statistician of city polyclinic No.7 in Shymkent.

4. Zhadyra Esіmkhankyzy Aitbayeva - epidemiologist of Regional Perinatal Center No.4.

5. Bauyrzhan Abdikashimovich Akhanov – specialist of city anti-plague station in Shymkent.


Heads of departments in SKSPhA:

1. Dean of the Medical department – PhD., acting Professor B.Z. Doltayeva

2. The Deputy Dean of the Medical Faculty - Master B.O. Ashirov

3. The head of training and methodological center – PhD, A.G. Ibragimova

4. The Head of the Department of internship and employment - PhD, associate professor B.K. Dosybayev.

To sum up, graduates of the specialty "Public Health" were introduced about what organizations they can labour in, what the requirements are established for young specialists, and what disciplines they should study in-depth. Students asked questions they were interested in, and were grateful for the valuable obtained information.

20.12.2016, 00:23