Round table on the topic "The inauguration of the national language – Mukhtar Shakhanov"

On March 2, 2023, the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy of the UCMA and the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin Languages held a round table on the theme "The inauguration of the national language - Mukhtar Shakhanov" as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Mukhtar Shakhanov.
The opening speech was made by Acting associate Professor of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Salim E.K., who gave an overview of the work of M. Shakhanov, read excerpts from his poems and wished good luck to the speakers.

Students of the Faculty of General Medicine, Kerimbay Sh.Sh., Kudaibergenova A.B., Ismailov Sh.Kh., Abdysaly D.K., attracted to the research work of the department, presented their presentations on the work of Mukhtar Shakhanov and his merits as a poet and public figure of Kazakhstan, and the poet's poems were recited by heart by Izbasarova A., Malikov A., Abdysaly D., Muratov A..
Acting associate professor of the department Kasymbekova A.N. and Temirbekova G.K. shared with the youth their thoughts about the poet, his place in Kazakh society. M. Shakhanov, as a poet, has a pronounced civic position. From a high rostrum, he spoke about the December events and the Kazakh youth at the dawn of our Independence. We see Shakhanov, soulfully reading poetry, speaking deeply and inspiringly about the Kazakh language.
Spiritual, patriotic poems of Mukhtar Shakhanov, which have their place in Kazakh poetry, should remain in the consciousness of every person.

06.03.2023, 18:14