Round table on the topic: "Relevance and problems of the practice of using simulation technologies"

On 11/24/2023, a round table on the topic "Relevance and problems of the practice of using simulation technologies" was organized by the Department of Pediatrics-1 in JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy".
The purpose of the round table: discussion of the current state, problems and promising issues of the practice of using simulation technologies, disclosure of content, making decisions on identified issues, consideration of corrective measures.
Moderator of the conference assistant of the Department of Pediatrics-1 S. K. Shagiraeva opened a round table and presented the program.
The welcoming speech was delivered by the head of the educational and methodological center Doltayeva B. Z., Dean of the Faculty of «Medicine» Sagtaganov Zh. I. and Head of the Department, PhD Kemelbekov K. S., wishing success and expressing confidence that the round table will be filled with effective information. During the round table, 2 speakers made thematic reports:
1. Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics-1 S. K. Shagiraeva - "Relevance and problems of the practice of using simulation technologies"
2. Assistant of the Department of Pediatrics-1 Akhmetova G. Sh. "Difficulties observed by the department in the practice of using simulation technologies"
The conference was attended by the head of the educational and methodological department Doltayeva B. Z., Dean of the Faculty of «Medicine» Sagtaganov Zh. I., instructor of the Center for Practical Skills Omarova G. S., assistant of the Department of Pediatrics-2 Turdalieva T. M., Umarova A. N. I. teacher of the Department of Propaedeutics of internal Diseases Bathieva M. B.
During the round table, the relevance of the use of simulation technologies, problems, active participation of students, academic performance, difficulties encountered in the learning process were discussed.
There was also a discussion on optimizing the course of the exam in the CPN and on creating conditions for students to practice outside of school hours. It was about ways to solve these issues.
The head of the educational and methodological center Doltayeva B. Z., Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine Sagtaganov Zh. I. noted that this topic is very relevant, work is underway on these issues and participates in the search for solutions from the Academy.
At the end of the round table, it was proposed to hold a seminar on this topic at the Academy level. We thanked them for organizing such a round table.
At the end of the round table, the staff of the department and the guests thanked each other.
Head of the Department "Pediatrics-1" PhD. K.S.Kemelbekov

27.11.2023, 16:39