Round table on the topic: "New opportunities in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)»

On December 3, 2020, the Department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology together with the Department of Therapy-2 of the SKMA held a round table on the topic: "New opportunities in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis". Tuberculosis is a hot topic, as there is a steady increase in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in our region..Due to the emergence of new drugs over the past 50 years, new opportunities for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis, including MDR TB, have also emerged.

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A round table was devoted to these issues. The round table was held online, on the Zoom platform, where students and residents of SKMA were present. Kasayeva Lazzat Tatibekovna Ph. D., head of the Department of Therapy-2 of the SKMA presented a presentation, which provided detailed information about the types and modes of treatment of MDR-TB, new drugs and approaches in treatment.The round table was attended by representatives of practical public health, the report spoke the head of 1 of the therapeutic Department of the Regional center of Phthisiopulmonology, regional coordinator for MDR TB Aimbetova Shakhrizada Igalimova, which provided webinar information on the prevalence of MDR TB in the Turkestan region, the modes of treatment, operating systems of the study, that is, the pilot implementation of new treatment regimens. Moderator of the round table head of the Department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology Kamila Аkhmadieva presented a presentation on the topic: "New generation technologies: full-genome sequencing of tuberculosis", which presented material on Express methods of molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis, on the introduction and application of full-genome sequencing for the detection of drug-resistant tuberculosis from the perspective of evidence-based medicine.

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Also, a doctoral student of 1 year of study in the specialty "Medicine" Yuldasheva Shakhsanam Mahamatalievna made a presentation on the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan, information on MDR-TB was presented, statistical data on tuberculosis in the Republic of Kazakhstan were given. In conclusion, the head of the Department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology Аkhmadieva Kamila Erlikovna and the head of Therapy-2 Kasayeva Lyazzat Tattibekovna thanked the guests and participants of the round table for their active participation. Dosybаeva Gulzhan Nаrkеnovna thanked the organizers and participants of the round table for the informative and useful information.

30.12.2020, 04:42