Round table on the topic: «Modern problems and prospects of antibiotic therapy»

As part of the state program «Деңсаулық-2016-2020”, on February 26, year 2019, a round table was held on the topic «Modern problems and prospects of antibiotic therapy» organized by the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology together with the Department of Evidence-Based Medicineand Department of Pediatrics and pediatric surgery of JSC South Kazakhstan Medical Academy conducted on the basis of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital with the participation of representatives of practical public health.This event was attended by 46 people.

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The main purpose of the round table was to discuss the modern aspects of antibacterial therapy, which should contribute to the development of highly skilled medical care in the region and determine ways for further cooperation between academic and practical organizations in improving health care in region.

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The significance of the problem of antibiotic resistance is determined by the fact that it affects not only medicine, but also society as a whole. First of all, the emergence and wide spread of resistant microorganisms, for example in hospitals, leads to an increase in the length of hospitalization, economic losses and increase.

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The round table included topical issues of antibiotic therapy, scientific advances in the field of treatment, the possibility of optimizing therapy, and features of antibiotic therapy at outpatient and inpatient levels.

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The participants of the round table gave presentations, discussed and analyzed clinical situations on the topic.

In conclusion, the roundtable participants expressed their solidarity and support for government activities aimed at improving the quality of life of the population.

27.02.2019, 06:31